After graduating from the Prague Dance Conservatory in 1994, Alena Pešková worked at the Karlín Music Theatre in Prague, before joining the ballet company of the J. K. Tyl Theatre in Plzeň. Since 1999, she has been a freelance dancer, choreographer and stage director. She has made tours all over the world (Europe, Japan, South America). As a choreographer, dancer and director, she has worked with theatres in the Czech Republic and further afield. She has created choreographies for operas, musicals, festivals and exhibition openings. The feature-length ballets she has conceived to her own scenarios include Maryša, Café Aussig, Periphery, Jessie and Morgiana, The Nutcracker, Blood Wedding, Gustav Klimt, Cinderella, Le sacre du printemps, The Taming of the Shrew, Creation, The Tempest, Tristan and Isolde etc. She has also staged operas (Carmen, Don Pasquale, Il trovatore, etc.) She founded the Ultra-minimal-ballet (UMB), an independent association of professional dancers, which made their debut in 2008 at the Blues sklep music club in Prague (5 m2, music: P. Wajsar, Jessie and Morgiana, music: G. Vermelho, The Little Match Girl, music G. Vermelho...). From 2010 to 2019, she worked as the artistic director and choreographer at the F. X. Šalda Theatre in Liberec. Alena Pešková has received two nominations for the prestigious Thalia Award. Her most significant parts include the title role in The Lady of the Camellias , La Fille mal gardée (Lise), Carmina Burana (Rebecca), Jessie and Morgiana (Morgiana), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Titania), Die Zauberflöte (Pamina) and other productions. In 2019, the Association of Dance Artists voted her The Taming of the Shrew the best ballet production of the year. Numerous dancers portrayung the roles in her ballet and dance performance theatre creations have received or been nominated for the Thalia Award and other accolades.
