Pilsen's Taming of the Shrew is a dance triumph
The ballet adaptation of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew was performed by Alena Pešková at the Josef Kajetán Tyl Theatre. Accompanied by the original music of Jan Kučera and a superbly selected cast, she has created quite possibly the best ballet performance by DJKT in recent years.
Barbora Truksová, 17.12. 2018, Czech Television
Premiere: 17. 11. 2018
Libretto: based on the drama of the same name by W. Shakespeare - Alena Pešková
Directed, choreographed by Alena Pešková
Music by Jan Kucera
Scene: Richard Pešek j.r.
Costumes: Ales Valasek
Photo: Michal Hančovský
Dance by DJTK Ballet in Pilsen - starring Jarmila Hrushkociová/ Mami Hagihara, Gaetan Pires/ Karel Audy

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